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DepEd to Shorten Next School Year by 15 Days

To prevent students and teachers from sweating, the Department of Education (DepEd) declared that the 15-day academic year 2024-2025 will commence earlier. Thus, this modification is aimed at making classrooms no dewy in April and May most notably that is in the summer of the same year.

Starting Early: Modified Academic Calendar of SY 2024-2025.

Reduced School Days: The DepEd Assistant Minister Francis Bringas has announced that the year will start on July 29, 2024, will end on March 31, 2025, next school year, and will total 165 school days – 15 days less than the mandated 180 to 220 days in law.

Strategic Planning: However, Bringas insisted that despite the time constraints there is some way of preventing any loss in education. The DepEd is working on devising innovative lessons to make the learning process more exciting so that the required competencies are adequately covered within this short period.

Challenges and Solutions: The Establishment of Reading Literacy in the Philippines should be done.

Quality Concerns: Different kinds of reactions arise that question the learning outcomes of reduced school days by the next school year, this matter is thoroughly reviewed and discussed by DepEd’s Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD). The emphasis still is placed on education quality, although the program schedule has been tailored.

Competency Mastery: As Awareness of the vital role of the experts was disseminated, Acknowledgement of interventions and stepped-up strategies were the steps further to the achievement of subject mastery among students. The BLD will handle the task, among others, not only to reach its objective but also to meet it more effectively.

Back to Basics: Bringing back the previous system, where the Academic calendar occurs from June through March.

Presidential Directive: The presidential command to go back to the traditional June-to-March academic calendar eventually next school year prompted DepEd to revert to its phased transition protocol which was scheduled to end in a few months. This decision is a clear indication of the authority’s resolve to safeguard student’s well-being and comfort throughout the academic year.

Public Support: With the backing of Senator Bong Go, and other key actors having doubts over the excessive heat levels and their negative repercussions on education, the stakeholders are preparing to introduce the old calendar system as the current one. Recent temperature records, confirm this, and thus, represent a signification of the urgency of this change.

Legislative Considerations: Bringing up teachers’ problems.

Summer Vacation Compensation: In response to that, Congressman Roman Romulo suggests the granting of additional double service leave credits to teachers. This is intended as a measure to balance up the eliminated summer vacation and as well as a demonstration of respect to teachers.

Curriculum Evaluation: With the scholars of the Romulo committee proposing the phased implementation of the DepEd’s new curriculum that shows students how to comprehend texts by eighth grade, metacognitive skills are emphasized for them by the end of the fifth grade. Such events emphasize the commitment of stakeholders towards providing uninterrupted educational services notwithstanding the distortion of the school calendars.

The attempt of the DepEd to let students have good health and achieve success in academic activities by shortening the next school year is an indication of the organization’s responsiveness to the changing environment. Stakeholders as a group will also focus on fostering positive learning experiences for all as they try to work together in times of change.

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