Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Elle Villanueva

Elle Villanueva

Monina’s Many Moles Book Review

Monina's Many Moles

‘Monina’s Many Moles’ engages the young in a well-told and heartwarming tale that deals with identity and faith. Monina is portrayed as a young insecure girl who after failing to have a mole that the Mole Fairy is said to…

Araw sa Palengke Book Review

Araw sa Palengke

The Araw sa Palengke book review will take you on a nostalgic journey, reminiscent of your childhood visits to the local market with your mother. “Araw sa Palengke” written by May Tobias-Papa and illustrated by Isabel Roxas is a splendid…